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Dietrich Bonhoeffer-1906-1945 –Witness in Life and Death To Christ’s Ascension

In 1924 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, then 18 years old, determines to become a theologian, seeking to study theology at the University of Berlin. In 1931 the young theologian experienced what he  called “a great liberation.” This liberation pulled him into the church. He spoke of rediscovering scripture, prayer and discipleship. He referred to his new way of reading   scripture as becoming …


A Belated Tribute To Our Brother Martin

In this most uncivil and harsh time of wall building and public name calling I am looking for witnesses of love, civility and justice; People who never return evil for evil, build bridges and never trash anyone who disagrees with them. Within my lifetime the name that most quickly comes to mind is Martin Luther King. In 1963, during his …